learn about the traffic black points in uae

The points issued to the driver's license are known as black points. In Dubai, black points are given to drivers who break the traffic rules. The black point scheme was implemented by the RTA officials in the UAE. The goal was to foster safe driving habits among Dubai drivers On a driver's license, black points have been issued. Drivers who disobey traffic rules in Dubai are penalized black points. The RTA officials in the UAE have implemented the black point scheme. The purpose was to encourage Dubai drivers to practice safe driving behaviors.
It is critical to be knowledgeable about traffic regulations so that everyone driving can drive safely and avoid penalties. Violations include speeding, driving without insurance, reckless driving, signal jumping, and others. Collecting challans and getting your driver's license revoked are some of the punishments. The primary aim of the government is to decrease traffic accidents to 3 per 100,000 people each year by the end of 2021.
Dubai's Black Points
In Dubai, black points are not rewarded points, but rather penalty and punishment points for breaking traffic laws. The sanctions are in place to deter motorists from breaching the law. For breaking a traffic law, the driver receives black points as well as a fine from the authorities. Cameras are employed by traffic authorities to continuously monitor traffic radars.
The black points are applied to the driver's account within 48 hours after the traffic offense. The driver will also receive an SMS notification. The number of black points assessed by authorities can be checked at any time by the motorist. If a driver receives more than 24 points from authorities, his or her license is suspended for a year.
How Do I Check For Black Points On My Dubai Driver's License?
- License Black Points in Dubai can be checked online.
- Visit the Dubai Police Department's website.
- Navigate to "Services."
- Select "Payment of Traffic Fines."
- Enter the information from your driver's license.
- In Dubai, check the number of black points on your driver's license.
What Happens If You Have Black Points In Dubai?
The intensity and duration of the offence determine the outcome of receiving black points. The license would be revoked for a period of 3 to 6 months.
- If a driver receives 24 black points for the first time, his or her license is banned for three months.
- If the driver continues to disobey traffic laws and receives 24 black points for the second time, his or her license will be banned for six months.
- A one-year penalty will be imposed for the third violation.
Along with these penalties and suspensions, the motorist must also complete a driving course and pass examinations administered by Dubai officials.
Black Points And Traffic Offences
The UAE has amended traffic regulations to improve citizen safety and punish traffic violators. When a driver receives 24 or 23 points, his or her license is automatically suspended. Here is a list of traffic violations and the corresponding black points.
- There were 24 black points for traffic violations. Using a vehicle without la sense to transport and carry passengers. Using a vehicle without a license to transport inflammable or harmful raw materials
- There were 23 black points for traffic violations. Under the influence of alcohol while driving. If a person is killed in a car accident while driving, If a person is wounded or becomes seriously ill as a result of rash driving, Exceeding the speed limit by 80 kilometers or more.
- 12 black points were given for traffic violations. When a driver disregards a red light or drives a noisy car. Using another car's license to operate a vehicle. Exceeding the maximum speed limit by 60 kilometers. If a traffic cop tries to stop, you and you flee.
Traffic Infractions With Fewer Than 12 Black Points
Other minor traffic violations come with fewer penalties and black points. These black dots may appear little, but when added together, they will equal 24 points. However, keep in mind that if you earn 24 points, your license will be suspended. These infractions include:
- If you drive without car insurance, you will receive four black points.
- If you drive and make a sudden divergence, you will receive 4 black points.
- If you violate the speed limit by more than 60 kilometres, you will receive 6 black points.
- 6 points for overtaking from the roadside
If you follow the traffic rules and strictly adhere to good driving practices, then you can avoid falling into black points. You should follow rules and ensure that everyone is also safe. Carry your driving license, insurance, and all vehicle documents. By taking care of a few things you can reduce penalties and avoid black points. For more information, you can visit Dubai Visit Visa Online. You can also apply for a Dubai e-Visa through the Dubai Visit Visa Online portal in a few simple steps. With the fast service and updated verification team, you will have your visa processed in 4 business days if not less.
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