how to find uae person code

21-Feb-2025 0
uae person code: everything you need to know

If you want to live and work in Dubai, you'll need a UAE personal code. You might not have realized you needed this code till now. This is because nobody wants to go to the trouble of filling out a visa application without being sure they meet the criteria. Having your own UAE personal code is essential to starting in Dubai without any hassles.

Is a UAE person code permitted?

UAE Person Codes are unique numbers assigned to individuals. It is used by the UAE government to identify someone and can be obtained by submitting the application form.

The UAE person code is the mandatory identification number for all residents in the UAE. The twelve-digit number is made up of letters and numbers and includes a unique code for every person in the country. It is used to identify individuals when applying for services, paying taxes, or making payments.

How can I obtain my UAE Person Code?

The UAE Person Code is a unique code that is provided by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to residents of the country. This code can be used for various purposes, including obtaining a visa, residency, and employment in the UAE. The usage of this code is entirely voluntary and has no legal ramifications. It is an identification number that has been issued to individuals residing in the country since 2007. It helps to facilitate the process of obtaining various services from government departments and private organizations in the UAE. It will make it easier for these organizations to identify applicants as they are linked with their database system, which contains information about all citizens of the country. Moreover, you can now apply for an online UAE Person Code application form and submit some documents.

Who qualifies for a UAE person code?

All UAE residents, including Emiratis and expatriates, are issued UAE Person Codes. Government agencies and banks use the codes to manage their interactions with individuals. Furthermore, you can now apply for your UAE person code online.

What are the benefits of a UAE person code?

The UAE Person Code is a unique identification number assigned to UAE citizens and residents. The code is used for a variety of things, such as opening bank accounts, getting credit cards, and paying government fees.

However, there are numerous benefits to having a Uae Person Code, including the ability to open bank accounts anywhere in the GCC region.

  • You can use it to apply for loans from any GCC bank or financial institution.
  • You can use it to apply for credit cards from any GCC bank or financial institution.
  • It facilitates payments at government offices throughout the GCC region.

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What are the documents required?

The UAE Person Code is a unique identification code for every person residing in the United Arab Emirates. The code is a combination of nine digits and letters that is assigned to each resident after their birth. The code can be used to identify people, vehicles, and other assets in the country.

The following documents are required to apply for a UAE person code:

  • Two copies of the Emirates ID card or passport.
  • Two recent passport-size photos.
  • A copy of the applicant’s residence visa (if applicable).
  • A copy of the applicant’s Emirates ID card (if applicable).
  • A photocopy of the applicant’s passport (if applicable).

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Why is an Emirates ID card important in the United Arab Emirates?

The Emirates ID is a government-issued identification card in the United Arab Emirates. Every Emirati is required to have an Emirates ID card, which must be carried at all times. The Emirates ID can be used as a gateway to many services and facilities, such as health insurance, marriage registration, banking, payment transactions, employment, and more.

According to reports, there are more than 3 million UAE residents who don't have or don't use their Emirates IDs. This is primarily due to the fact that most people are unaware of the benefits of having an Emirates ID card.

What does the UAE person code cost?

The UAE person code is a unique identification number for each person. In the UAE, it is usually the same as the passport number. In general, the person code is used to identify people in situations where they do not have a passport or other documented identification. The UAE person code costs AED 100.


The UAE person code aids in identifying each individual in the UAE. The code can be used to get discounts on travel, health insurance, and other government services. The UAE Person Code is an identification number issued by the Ministry of Interior that helps identify Emiratis and residents of the United Arab Emirates. It is mandatory to present it on arrival at all points of entry into the country, as well as when applying for certain services such as a driving license or passport renewal.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Generally, you cannot find someone else’s UAE Person Code unless you have explicit permission. This information is protected by privacy laws and is not publicly accessible without the person's consent.

The UAE Person Code, also known as the "Emirates ID number," is a unique identification number assigned to residents of the UAE. It is used for accessing government services and verifying identity in various official and legal matters.

Yes, if you are a UAE resident, you can find your Emirates ID number online by logging into the official website of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) or by accessing the UAE government’s smart services app.

Yes, the UAE Person Code and the Emirates ID number refer to the same unique identification number. They are used interchangeably for official and personal identification purposes in the UAE.

You can find your UAE Person Code on your Emirates ID card. The ID card displays the number prominently, which is essential for any official purposes within the UAE.

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